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The King will reply, "Truly I tell
you, whatever you did for the least of these my brothers and sisters, you did for Me."


Working towards a home and a hope for those who have none.

What we’re doing
Naomi’s House is a non-profit Christian ministry, dedicated to providing homes and opportunity for at-risk women and children in East Africa.  

Why we’re doing this
Someone once read James 1:27, and concluded, "If you don't know what else to do,
you can never go wrong taking care of widows and orphans".

Following the Lord can seem tricky, but His instructions are simple enough for a child to understand:
Love Him with all your heart, love your neighbor as yourself,  go into all the world, and bring the good news  of His Kingdom.
If you are moved by what this ministry is doing - or moved by what any ministry demonstrating the love of Christ is doing - be encouraged; it's always the love of God that moves us in that direction.

How we are doing this
Because God is love, His Kingdom advances relationally. For any ministry to succeed, time-tested relationships built on the love of Christ are essential.
When God gave us the vision for Father's House, Ghana, we had those relationships in place; twenty years later, that ministry continues to expand.
We are blessed with the same relationships in Uganda, and here as well.
We are not alone.
Many are praying.
Many are giving.

If you would like to help, there are links on this page that make it easy.
Thank you!


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